Kelsey & Calvin – Sydenham Ridge Estates

Has anyone else had a thunder storm roll into their wedding the moment your dad starts to walk you down the aisle? Has anyone else smiled through it and took it all in like these two did? Kelsey and Calvin had the most gorgeous romantic wedding day at Sydenham Ridge Estates outside London Ontario, the sun was shining all day with the perfect breeze. You know how hot days are and that it can change in a second, and it did! Right before Kelseys dad was about to walk her down the aisle, rain and thunder came. It wasn’t stopping them though, they grabbed some umbrellas and were still just absolutely loving the moment. It passed quick and returned to the sunny day it was before. Kelsey specifically wanted this date because it is the exact date her grandparents got married on, so they were there not only celebrating their anniversary, but celebrating their beautiful granddaughter getting married. This night was such a blast. Speeches with embarrassing slideshows, a hilarious round of the shoe game, all the dancing you can imagine, it really couldn’t have been a better day. You can tell through these photos the love that exists between Kesley and Cal and all their friends and family.